The J.K (Jupiter King) 1975 Version
The J.K (Jupiter King) 1975 Version is an authorized reprint
This deck is a very unique take on the Waite, with vivid colors and some of the characters facing the opposite position possibly in line with the fact the Japanese read books from what we would perceive in the west as "back to front".
With originals fetching upwards of £400 (over $500 U.S) we wanted to reprint this deck and make it more affordable. Obtaining permission from the original author, we managed a highly successful indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. While copies are very limited, we have them for sale here for the very first time!
I would also like to notify against potential pirates. I made a promise to the author to run a limited amount of these decks. They allowed it because they wanted to bring the price down for people. Do not abuse this trust.
Comes in box similar in style and theme to the original.
Does not come with book but a rough translation can be found here with the password "jupiter" (all small letters) to access.
Disclaimer. These decks are based on our vintage copies. As such there may be some small imperfections .
The J.K (Jupiter King) 1975 Version is an authorized reprint
This deck is a very unique take on the Waite, with vivid colors and some of the characters facing the opposite position possibly in line with the fact the Japanese read books from what we would perceive in the west as "back to front".
With originals fetching upwards of £400 (over $500 U.S) we wanted to reprint this deck and make it more affordable. Obtaining permission from the original author, we managed a highly successful indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. While copies are very limited, we have them for sale here for the very first time!
I would also like to notify against potential pirates. I made a promise to the author to run a limited amount of these decks. They allowed it because they wanted to bring the price down for people. Do not abuse this trust.
Comes in box similar in style and theme to the original.
Does not come with book but a rough translation can be found here with the password "jupiter" (all small letters) to access.
Disclaimer. These decks are based on our vintage copies. As such there may be some small imperfections .
The J.K (Jupiter King) 1975 Version is an authorized reprint
This deck is a very unique take on the Waite, with vivid colors and some of the characters facing the opposite position possibly in line with the fact the Japanese read books from what we would perceive in the west as "back to front".
With originals fetching upwards of £400 (over $500 U.S) we wanted to reprint this deck and make it more affordable. Obtaining permission from the original author, we managed a highly successful indiegogo crowdfunding campaign. While copies are very limited, we have them for sale here for the very first time!
I would also like to notify against potential pirates. I made a promise to the author to run a limited amount of these decks. They allowed it because they wanted to bring the price down for people. Do not abuse this trust.
Comes in box similar in style and theme to the original.
Does not come with book but a rough translation can be found here with the password "jupiter" (all small letters) to access.
Disclaimer. These decks are based on our vintage copies. As such there may be some small imperfections .